AA Breakdown Service ~ Make Big Savings Today on AA Breakdown Service and AA Car Insurance
AA Breakdown

AA Breakdown Service Official Website: http://www.theaa.com

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AA Breakdown Service ~ Make Big Savings Today on AA Breakdown Service and AA Motor Insurance

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AA Breakdown Service have more than twice as many patrols on the road as any other breakdown organisation and, if your vehicle breaks down, AA has the latest satellite technology to help find the shortest route to you, and making sure you don't wait too long.

In fact, in the UK, AA Breakdown Service attends a car breakdown, on average, every 8.7 seconds and repairs around eight out of ten cars at the roadside. Also, with state-of-the-art on-board computers to help diagnose faults rapidly when you've broken down, there's a good chance AA Breakdown will have you up and running again quickly.

And, most important of all, AA Breakdown Service is the only breakdown organisation to offer personal members a free courtesy car, so that you will never be left stranded; at a cost of just a few pence a day for AA Breakdown Service, we think AA Breakdown Service offers better value for money than any other similar service.

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Once you become an AA personal member, you can enjoy benefits on a wide range of products and services, and not just in the UK.

Indeed, AA Breakdown Service have international schemes in both Europe and North America - which can help you save up to the cost of your AA membership. From theme parks to great days out, AA Breakdown Service have motoring and travel discounts for all the family.

Besides enjoying all the peace of mind that comes with AA Breakdown Service, you can also enjoy free, easy-to-follow driving directions with help from AA Breakdown Service Route Planner, plus other benefits.

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